Thursday 29 January 2009

Shoot 7 - Evaluation

Location: Ben's house
Crew Involved: Ben, Nellie and Matt

The shoot containing the fight and the argument was finally shot. During a moment of madness, Matt decided that a good shot would be for Nellie (when angry) to through water at him. After an attempt of this and a waste of a glass of water, we realised that we weren't going to be able to get the shot we were after. Looking at this now, we have found that it will be impossible to use due to the cheeky grin covering Nellie's face. However, throughout the shoot we have found that quite a lot of the shots have come out alright. This has meant that we will be editing them and adjusting them today. Another shot however, will have to be completed in this shoot due to a shot containing Nellie and lead singer, John who was unavailable to make the shoot. Next shooting session will be Friday 30th January where the last part of our shooting will be completed.

Wednesday 28 January 2009

Shoot 4,5 & 6 - Evaluation

Location: Tunbridge Wells (roads), London
Time: Friday 23rd-Monday 26th
Crew Involved: Matt and Nellie

The aim of this shoot was to get shots of the female and male upset and worried. However due to unforseen circumstances, the shoots were called off. This was probably due to the light and weather. They will be set up in new locations and re-shot within the coming week.

Wednesday 21 January 2009

Shoot 3 - Evaluation

Location: Matts House (Pembury)

Time: 15.30 - 18.30

Crew Involved: Matt and Nellie

The aim of this shoot was to collect some home footage of Matt and Nellie. This was just concentrated on them both being happy together. As it was filmed in Matts living room we used artificial lighting which added to the overall effect of the footage. We see them both playing with dogs and laughing so that the audeince can clearly tell what the purpose of it is. We feel that the shots we got are relativlely useful and after capturing it on the computer we felt that it was a successful shoot and wouldn't need to have another go at it. We can now look at our next shoot, which is happening today (21/01/09).

Tuesday 20 January 2009

Shoot 2 - Evaluation

Location: Dunorlan Park, Multi-Stori Car Park (Tunbridge Wells)
Time: 9:30-1
Crew Involved: Ben , Matt and Nellie

The second shoot was another eventful day. After a late arrival from both parties, we got to work getting valuable footage of past "happy memories" and of the more "depressing times". This meant a lot of similar shots using both of the characters which will be shown at different times in the video. During the shooting, as all was going well on time, we managed to fit in another couple of valuable shots that have come out very well. We were very fortunate with the weather but as it was rain-sun, some of the shots are in different lights. This helps us to choose which ones we will be using as some of them have been ousted already. After getting back to the computer and uploading our footage, we found that we got so many good pieces that we had forgotton about, that it took over an hour to choose the ones we want to use. We also got a lot of footage that wasn't meant to be in it, but has turned out to be a contender. From memory, none of the shots we intended to do need to be re-shot and we can now start moving onto our other two major scenes; the argument and the performance. The argument will be shot on 20 January 2009 at the "home location".

Thursday 15 January 2009

Shoot 1 - Evaluation

Location: Multi-story Car Park
Time: 12:30-4:30
Crew involved: Ben, Matt, John and Nellie.

The first shoot was very interesting. The main shots that were taken during the shoot were the shots containing Matt's car and Nellie's jump. However, we also decided to have a go at one of the last shots as we were already in the location. As the light went very quickly, it meant that we didn't have much time to finish the latter shots. It also means that the light changes very drastically from one shot to the other. Because of this we have decided that we will re shoot 2 of the shots whilst doing the other few that we didn't have time to finish. However, when in the location, we gained inspiration to film more shots that we would not have been able to do in other locations. This has gained us more footage and now means that we have more fillers if the others do not pay off. (Its better to have too many than not enough). After the sun finally sunk, we left with our 6 minutes of footage. After looking at what we had gained, we felt that after all the hard work, there were bits and pieces that we can use but that most of the footage has been thrown among the bloopers. We will be reshooting at the same location after our second shoot on Saturday the 17th in Dunorlan Park.

Monday 12 January 2009


By producing an animatic, we can now save a lot of time when editing our video and will have a basic idea of what it will look like. Making this involved drawing a lot of stick men, and making them live a story that we would like to portray in our video. It has also given us an idea on the types of angles, duration of the shots and the types of shots that we will be using. We then filmed our storyboard clips individually and uploaded them to Premiere. Here we have been able to edit them and make them fit our track.
This will eventually be a great help as we will be able to replace our clips easily with our own finished clips.
Because they are all now exactly in time with the song time, it means that we can work out how long we want clips to last for and leaves us less room for mistakes.
After finishing our animatic, we closed up the gaps that we had with filler shots to make sure that we would be able to get enough footage to create a four minute video.
We can also make sure that the shots will fit the timing of the track and fit together well. Also by including effects into our images, it means that we can see what they will look like when they are placed on our shots.
Thanks to creating this animatic we have now realised how much time we will need to give ourselves to shoot our shots and have now realised that it may be a bit more complex than we first thought.

Call Sheets

A call sheet is a sheet which is given to cast and crew members of a film production. This informs them where and when they should meet for shooting. They also include contact information, the scenes which are being shot and the location of the shoot. The person responsible for the call sheet is the producer of the film. Using a call enablkes the group to easily understand where and when shoots are taking place. It takes out the element of confusion between groups members. It also allows group members to easily contact eachother if something does go wrong or changes.