Monday 3 November 2008

Music Video Analysis 2.0 - Matt Rice-Tucker

Tenacious D - Wonderboy

Genre characteristics

Tenacious D are known as a rock band, this song is one of their typical rock songs, the video however is a narrative video following a story. It is made out as a film sequence, with the use of certain techniques i.e. the use of credits at the start.

Relationship between visuals and lyrics
The audience can tell that there is a clear link between the visuals and lyrics, due to the fact that the video is based on the song and its lyrics. When listening to the lyrics we are able to take them and quite easily relate them to the the video. This would mean that the songs lyrics was written as a story, and when listening to the song you can tell how it could be seen as a story.

Relationship between visuals and music
Again like the link between the visuals and lyrics there is clear evidence that the visuals and music is linked. All the camera movements and different types of editing used in the music video fit in with the music. This applies to the disolves and fades used between scenes. We also see in the video the band members Jack Black and Kyle Gass, singing so we can again link the visuals and music.

Visual Motifs and Styles
As there are only 2 members to the band, and they are both well known. We see a reasonable amount of close-ups on their faces. However, the video mainly focuses on Jack Black as the lead singer, and also the lead 'actor/character' in the music video. Throughout the video we see a number of close-ups of them, both in and out of focus, but possibly due to their record label they need to be seen and noticed by the audience.

Intertextual references
I can't be 100% certain that this music video has taken it's scene and ideas from a particular movie or another music video. However the video is set in a much early era than ours, they seemed to have used the ice age. Trying to relate the characters to 'cave men' or something similar, giving them certain status when relating it to the lyrics and music. Also apart from Jack and Kyle there are no other actors or members present in the production, so we as the audience can only focus on those two and no one else.

Representation of the Band
Depending on whether the audience has previously seen Tenacious D and their videos would make a huge difference on how they viewed the band. However due to most people knowing them the video would be classed as more comedic than serious, this carrying on their already slighty comedic take both music videos and their style of music.

Media Language
Mise-en-scene - In the video we see lots of ancient clothing, from the ice age. We also see sets in the mountains and in the snow, showing the ice age era. They include different objects which could be classed as weapons, i.e spears etc...
Camera Techniques -
Special Effects –

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