Sunday 30 November 2008

Technical Shot Analysis - Ben Gilchrist
The video that I decided to analyse was “Can’t Stop” by the Red Hot Chilli Peppers. This is because it is also of a band, and looks at the way that you can interlink a story (narrative) and a performance in the same video. I was hoping that this would give me some ideas for our own video and may help me get more information of how to edit a video.
The aspect of the video that surprised me most was the amount of shots used. In only 4 minutes, over 300 shots were used, showing how complex the editing process must be. Before watching this, I always assumed that music videos contained only a few shots and were edited to look like more but in fact this was not the case. I believe that the planning of our own video will now be a lot different to what it may have been if I didn’t do this task. For example, I probably wouldn’t have left as much time as I will do now for the editing process.
The performance/narrative aspects of the video backs up my original ideas albeit that this video is very surreal in the narrative. It has also convinced me to use some links between the lyrics and the video. Although if this is done too much I believe this to be cheesy, I feel it is important to establish a relationship between the two.
My overall written analysis can be found in my folder.

1 comment:

Ms Johnson said...

good comments ben, please post a link to the track at the top and indicate to examiner that analysis is in folder