Thursday 20 November 2008

Audience Research

We want to get a select group who are fans of the genre, so that we can talk to them discussing their ideas and opinions of the track and our current ideas. We will set out a few questions and record their feedback. As well as the sheet of questions we could also give them a sheet with the lyrics so that they can give us illustrative ideas that relate to the lyrics. From this we hope to develop our video so that it is accepted by the target audience.

We are doing this in order to receive peoples opinions which will hopefully help us when we design our video. We also believe that by using this information we can develop our video for the better. It is very important that we get feedback from the type of people who watch these videos as they are the ones that will make our video and the track, popular.

Sample Audience:
People who listen to the band and like the songs that they are likely to be playing. It is also important that they have some sort of relationship to the band.

Media Stimulus:
As we are trying to develop our songs video, the main focus will have to be of our song. However, we want to look at several other song videos in order to get inspiration and to see if people like the shots used. It is also important to get views of other successful videos in order to create a recipe for success.

It is important to include a variety of questions in order to get a variety of answers.
What ideas did you get from the track?
What characters would you imagine to see?
What type of artist(s) could be seen in the video?
Do you see this as a performance based video?
Where do you see this being shot?
What type of images would you expect to see?
Can you define genre
what are your expectations of this particular?

1 comment:

Ms Johnson said...

qualitative? good ideas for questoins. Ask them to define genre, and then what are their expectations of that, then later you can talk about whether you reinforced or challenged conventions