Friday 21 November 2008

Dominant Ideologies - Matt Rice-Tucker


TI ft. Rihanna - "Live Your Life"
This video reinforces the typical stereotype as throughout the video we see a number of flash cars, large amounts of money, fancy rings and jewellery. We also see the girl (Rihanna) in the video seen as an object by the stars with the money, as is typical in this type of music. We see a number of close-ups of the main rapper/star with his jewellery and expensive clothes etc... The main star is also pictured with a number of different women, as if he has what he wants when he wants it, the millionaires lifestyle.

Kayne West - "Love Lockdown"
This video challenges the typical stereotype as it does not focus on expensive cars, jewelery and fast cars. It involves very plain and basic surroundings, not showing the expensive lifestyle. We also see plenty of the star (Kanye West) however it is not him showing off his wealth. We also clips which are possibly from tribal eras, many years ago not looking at modern technology. Also we do not see a variety of women, they are not shown or used as objects in this video.


Leona Lewis - "Forgive Me"
This video reinforces the typical stereotype as we see the woman take a lead role, using her looks and image to entice a male audience. We also have Leona looking at the camera a lot trying to connect with her audience. She is also seen to have power when she leads the large group of dancers from the front. At one point she is walking with the male looking after her and carrying her umbrella for her, being treated like a 'princess'. She wears 'sexy' and appealing clothes trying to make herself a commodity to the male audience. e.g. Low cut tops etc...

Beyonce - "If I Were A Boy"
In this music video Beyonce challenges the typical stereotypes. We see her acting as a male character. Hanging around with large male groups and policemen, not trying to use her sexuality or looks to attract an audience. We see her shooting, a typical scene for men to look 'macho'. Then actually helping out the man in his target shooting, putting him in the opposite role. We still at the end of the video see a role reversal, when the male character becomes the policeman again, and she returns to being herself. Beyonce then sings to the camera, to still appeal to her male audience.

1 comment:

Ms Johnson said...

good vids, a lot to say, but this is fine for this exercise