Friday 14 November 2008

Goodwin Analysis

The Script – Talk You Down

Genre Characteristics
The script, who formed in 2001 are an alternative rock / pop rock band. Their videos involve both narrative and performance based concepts, which fits into the alternative rock genre. For our video of ‘Talk You Down’ we will involve both of these techniques in order to fit with the genre characteristics. Using the lyrics we will create a narrative, but throughout the video we will show the band performing the song.

Relationship between lyrics and visuals
There will be a major relationship between the lyrics and visuals in our video. The lyrics in ‘Talk You Down’ are very descriptive and story telling-like, so it will be quite simple to link the lyrics to the visuals. This is also keeping in line with previous videos released by The Script, such as ‘The Man Who Can’t Be Moved’ released in 2008 which also has a major link with the lyrics to what you see.

Relationship between music and visuals
The relationship between music and visuals will also be very noticeable. With the help of the band performing it will be clear to the audience that there is a link. We can also use the camera movement and techniques to help create the relationship. By the camera moving or cutting in time with the beat, it is clear to the audience that there is a relationship. Close-ups of the lead singer singing the song in time and the band members playing their instruments in time will also help strengthen the link.

Demands of record label, visual style and motifs
The demands of the record label will also be seen in our video, such demands as close-ups of the lead singer and band members playing their instruments. More screen time would be given to the lead singer, as they are most recognisable to the band. However it is just as important to have clear close-ups of the band members playing their instruments as they are also very important in recognising to the band.

Band Representation video based
The band representation in our video will be very consistent with that of other alternative rock band videos. The most obvious videos to keep consistent with would be other Script videos. Throughout their videos there is no comedy involved, they are all serious performances. In our video we will keep to this concept, by using some performance based techniques to keep inline with the genre characteristics.

Analysis in terms of media language;
The performance based part will be shot in one area. This will be used as the base of the video, throughout the song the camera will keep coming back to the performance (as if the band have been performing the song live from that same position). The narrative side to the video will be shot in number of different places. We will use places that are described in the video such as ‘alley ways’, ‘London’ and ‘tiny ledge’. Wherever the narrative needs to be shot.

This will mainly be the natural light as the whole video will be shot outside. The performance will be during the day, so we can use the natural sunlight. Most of the narrative will be performed during the day light, however to keep a link between the lyrics and visuals some will have to be shot at night. Whenever this occurs we will film where the is good street lighting.

Camera Techniques
There will be lots of different techniques used in this video. A large number of close-ups and also long shots. The use of high and low angle shots will become very important when we are shooting the scene where the actor is standing on the top of a tiny ledge. We will also involve zooms, mainly on the performance part of the video, both zooming in and out of the band.

1 comment:

Ms Johnson said...

some good ideas john, be aware that using natural light can give a soap opera quality which doesnt fit the style of music vids, have a look at some vids which use outside location and have a play with lighting and colour effects in premiere