Thursday 27 November 2008

Technical Shot Analysis - John Bone

The track I chose to analysis was 'Breakeven', by the Script, which is the same band that we are making our video for. This would hopefully give me some good ideas to add to when it comes to our video.
What stood out for me most in this video, was the use of some black and white shots and some colour. This was dependant on who is in the shot. We could use this in our video, using black and white shots in the past or in sad times etc. Then using colour shots for the present and happy times.
This video has confirmed my ideas about mixing performance and narrative, as i felt it worked excellently in this video, however we may not be able to get a performance in front of a crowd! But the use of mixing performance and narrative fits well with this genre of music.
The use of past and present in this video is also very successful, which was something we were considering to use anyway. It creates an excellent narrative and produces more of a story to the video, which would fit our song and the lyrics.

1 comment:

Ms Johnson said...

good john same commenta s ben